Log in to Instagram from the computer and post photos and messages

 Log in to Instagram from the computer and post photos and messages

Log in to Instagram from the computer and post photos and messages

 Instagram is one of a large number of chat platforms that are classified by social sites such as Facebook and Snapchat... . Of course, each platform has different services and features from the other, and everyone sees his favorite social site according to his intentions . There are those who want to chat only, and there are those who want to see the latest news today, and others who use these social sites to profit from the internet, and there are those who use them to explain or do good, the important Instagram platform is among the largest social sites that have a very high demand, especially from the Orient and foreigners .


 instagram is a platform among the best platforms that we consider to be respectable social sites that have a very high popularity, especially adult people, unlike the Facebook platform, where a large number of not good and often useless publications are published, and it has become like a market, unlike Instagram, which is elegant and professional and imposes laws on you that you must respect, and even account holders are trying to make Instagram upscale with wonderful photos and publications.

 Also, registering on Instagram opens the door for you to profit from the internet because you reach a certain number of real followers, here you communicate with companies or companies communicate with you because you are interested in a certain field and offer you your share of money depending on interactions and followers, and as an additional information for anyone who wants to profit from Instagram that the number of followers if it reaches between 30 thousand to 40 thousand, you are playing at a price of 200 to 300 dollars . These are among the features that also make registering on Instagram a great thing for all people, whether or foreign .


 There are also a large number of people who make successful advertising campaigns from the Instagram platform, which is more reliable in sales than Facebook, although it is one company, but the way it deals more professionally is the opposite of the barbarism that we have become seeing on Facebook Unfortunately .

Also, if you are a YouTuber and want to increase views on Instagram, it opens you the feature of posting links in the story, which has a very high turnout in the arrival of the publication to followers, but when you achieve 10 thousand followers .


 What we know is that you can register on Instagram via smartphones easily after downloading their application from the Google Play Store google play . But what we don't know is whether you can actually control Instagram like smartphones via the Google Chrome browser on a computer, of course there is a great and modern way that has been explained in hosting frichi channel and in many social sites that will help you communicate with friends via the browser and also download photos as if you are browsing from the application .

Yes, my beloved brother, the opportunity to send Instagram messages via the browser Google Chrome and also publish photos from the computer has become available in this legitimate way that most people do not know . For today, we will provide you with a simplified explanation, which does not exceed 2 minutes in order to apply this process in case you do not have a phone or maybe there is no space in smartphones.

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