start working for Freelancer and what are freelance work (Freelancer)

How do you start working for Freelancer and what are the conditions for freelance work (Freelancer)

One way or another, you may have heard the term "freelance" or "freelance" or when you ask someone what you do?  Proudly says I'm a freelancer!

Undoubtedly, the opportunity to be a Freelancer is a great opportunity, and it has changed all the rules of the game in terms of sponsoring a job and increasing income.

In this article, we will talk about everything related to self-employment and answer the famous question, how do I work by piece, and you will know how to provide you with your income and get your salary in dollars even if you are a student

I want you to focus on the article a lot and store it with you in a safe place because then you will only need the application and the path will be very clear in front of you

How do you start working for Freelancer and what are the conditions for freelance work (Freelancer)

 What does Freelancer mean?

A free person is a person who has a certain skill or experience in a particular field and offers it for an hourly wage, whether to remote people or companies, which means that you do not have to be in the same company and you can work from it anywhere. In short, you are your own manager and control in the field of work is free. You can  Work in any field yourself, even if your field of study is not a college, I mean, you can be an art college, but you work in the field of graphic design or in a college of commerce and work in the field of programming

 Why do you think you are a freelancer?

The truth is that there is more than one reason to consider starting a freelance business, including: Self-employment is an excellent way for you whether you are a student or an employee to generate your income You need more than this You can make a profit quickly with your first client Freedom to work You can leave your job and keep your Free Lancer completely flexible, which means you can work in your spare time or choose the way of working that works perfectly for you

 What freelance jobs are available?

The number of jobs is almost unlimited in the world of freelancing, and there are jobs you don't even think about I mean, rest assured that whatever skill you know how to do, you'll be able to make money from it Design field Writing video subtitling and audio animation: Programming and related matters: Digital marketing and accessories  : Advertising: Business: Miscellaneous Specialties:

 How do I work Freelancer (clear business plan)?

You must have skill in any of the above-mentioned or other areas You must have good product skill or experience However, if you do not have any skills and learn to work and supplement your income, you will succeed These steps will determine the skill or field you want to learn and you  Choose the field you feel most attracted to Choose the field you feel most attracted to and start learning Will you start learning it through Udemy, Lynda or Skillshare?

Because it is the best sites out there that teach you certain skills in a practical way like Coursera for example and its nature is very suitable for freelance fields meaning if you want to work in your own business, these are good sites to learn who you want to learn how to write content that you will be able to master through any of them  Free!  (You will find a detailed explanation of each site at the end of the article) For 2 months I learned the basics of design and photoshop and from 2 to 3 months I learned the basics of design and photoshop.

I will learn how to make videos I was able to work with the software and make my first design Now I know how to apply what I learned to strengthen my business and get a job easily If you have a skill or experience in a field you are ready to start working in, we will talk about it in the next step

How do you get your first job as a Free Lancer

We will now talk about the basics that you must do to get to the first client (no matter what site you choose) you are just like a carpenter who must keep his tools because the first time he gets the job he will be ready for all time Create an account on one of the freelance websites

Create your Linkedin account, then create a Facebook page for your business Use the Linkedin platform to reach people in your field and learn about types of jobs you might be interested in Create an account on Facebook groups related to your industry Create a Linkedin account and introduce yourself as a member of the LinkedIn professional network Create a strong brand for your business

The most important freelance sites ( and English)

All independent and English sites are like most people, and you are lost between them and we do not have a single site and we explain it with hosting. I found that the second solution is the most suitable for you because most of those who will read this article will be beginners and want the steps of the process. The first site that I always recommend is: In the beginning is Fiverr and Fiverr  It is a very famous site in  world. You offer your services on it for $5 as a start

 Terms of freelancing as a freelancer

Dont lie to customers Dont cheat customers Be quick to respond to customers Contact customer service at the site you work for customers Wave Accounting File Storage (DropBox) Create lists of tasks to be completed and track their implementation (Wunder List)  Time management app You have 25 minutes to do what you have to do and 5 minutes to rest then start again 25 minutes (Focus Booster) You will deal with clients from other countries You must carry a dictionary with you when traveling abroad for language translation

 The secret to success in self-employment

It is to treat it like your own company and that you are its manager and that you are responsible for everything related to it!

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