YouTube 2022 (The comprehensive guide to the new services for profit from YouTube 2022)

YouTube 2022 (The comprehensive guide to the new services for profit from YouTube 2022)

Earning from YouTube for beginners step by step

There is no doubt that the demand for creating new YouTube channels has increased in the recent period, and this is because of the huge YouTube profits that everyone wants, so you hear from here and there that there are many channels that make thousands of dollars per month, this is true, but it is not that easy, you must  To be familiar with how to profit from YouTube, what are the conditions for profit from YouTube, how to submit your channel for review, what content is acceptable on YouTube and what is objectionable content. This is our role in this comprehensive guide on frichi pro site.

After you finish reading this guide with concentration, you will know everything big and small how to make profit from YouTube and what you must do step by step, but you must not only read the two titles, but you must focus on every word so that you can start the journey of profit from YouTube and you  on the light.

  Create a YouTube channel from scratch and adjust the channel settings completely.

YouTube is a product of Google, so if you want to own a YouTube channel, you must first create an account on Google, and then by following these simple steps, you will be able to create a professional YouTube channel from the phone only, and whether you have a YouTube channel or you do not have a channel, I advise you to follow  The instructions in this video in order to make sure that your channel settings are correct and do not have any errors, and in order not to suffer after that from the channel not appearing in the search results, because in this video you can adjust the internal settings of the channel completely and prove the ownership of the channel and make a description of the channel in a correct way  .... etc.

Before you start the journey of profit from YouTube, you must fulfill some conditions in your channel in order for your videos to be eligible to display Google Adsense ads, which is the main source of profit from YouTube.

There are some updates that have been made to the conditions for profit from YouTube, which we will review in the next few lines, but let us review all the conditions for profit from YouTube so that this article is a reference for everyone who wants to profit from YouTube.

 Terms of profit from YouTube 2022

1- Comply with all YouTube monetization policies

YouTube, like any company or institution, has some policies and laws that must be respected and followed in order to make a profit from YouTube, and one of the most important of these policies is that you make exclusive content from your photography and do not use others' videos so as not to be exposed to copyright violations.

You must also follow the forum’s instructions, where it is forbidden to buy subscribers or views, and this is called fake interactions, and you should not impersonate a celebrity and create a channel in his name and display videos of his own.  Nudity or sexual scenes, and it also does not show scenes of violence or harassment...etc.

You must also comply with Google Adsense policies. Do not publish reused or duplicate videos. Do not rely on programs and applications that bring you fake views. There are many guidelines and policies that you can view through this article.

2- To reside in a country/region where the YouTube monetization program is available and supported by AdSense.

YouTube provides the so-called YouTube Partner Program in some countries. If you reside in one of these countries, you can open a Google Adsense account, which is the account that you will use to withdraw YouTube profits, and it is the account responsible for the appearance of ads in your videos. If you reside in a country such as Syria, unfortunately you cannot  Opening an Adsense account, but the alternative is to create the channel normally while you are in Syria and use another person in a country supported by Adsense, who opens the account in his name in that country and connects your channel when you meet the conditions with this account, and this person, the owner of the Adsense account, receives the profits on his bank account,  Then he sends it to you in your country (Syria), or you can use content management companies (partnership).

Here are the countries where the Youtube Partner Program is available
  • Holland
  •  New Zealand
  •  Nicaragua
  •  Nigeria
  •  Norway
  •  Northern Mariana Islands
  •  Amman
  •  Pakistan
  •  Panama
  •  Papua New Guinea
  •  Paraguay
  •  Peru
  •  Philippines
  •  Poland
  •  Portugal
  •  Puerto Rico
  •  Diameter
  •  Republic of Ireland
  •  reunion
  •  Romania
  •  Russia
  •  Senegal
  •  Serbia
  •  Singapore
  •  Kingdom Saudi Arabia
  •  Slovakia
  •  Slovenia
  •  South Africa
  •  South Korea
  •  Spain
  •  Sri Lanka
  •  Sweden
  •  Switzerland
  •  Taiwan
  •  Tanzania
  •  Thailand
  •  Tunisia
  •  Turkey
  •  Islands
  •  Uganda
  •  Ukraine
  •  The United Arab Emirates
  •  United kingdom
  •  United State
  •  US Virgin Islands
  •  Uruguay
  •  Venezuela
  •  Vietnam
  •  To whom
  • Algeria
  •  American Samoa
  •  Argentina
  •  Aruba
  •  Azerbaijan
  •  Australia
  •  Austria
  •  two seas
  •  Bangladesh
  •  Bermuda
  •  Belarus
  •  Belgium
  •  Bolivia
  •  Bosnia and Herzegovina
  •  Brazil
  •  Bulgaria
  •  Canada
  •  Cayman Islands
  •  Chile
  •  Colombia
  •  Costa Rica
  •  Croatia
  •  Cyprus
  •  Czech Republic
  •  Denmark
  •  Dominican Republic
  •  Ecuador
  •  Egypt
  •  El Salvador
  •  Estonia
  •  Finland
  •  France
  •  French Guiana
  •  French Polynesia
  •  Georgia
  •  Germany
  •  Ghana
  •  Greece
  •  Guatemala
  •  Guadeloupe
  •  Guam
  •  Honduras
  •  Hong Kong
  •  Hungary
  •  Iceland
  •  India
  •  Indonesia
  •  Iraq
  •  Israel
  •  Italia
  •  Jamaica
  •  Japan
  •  Jordan
  •  Kazakhstan
  •  Kenya
  •  Kuwait
  •  Latvia
  •  Lebanon
  •  Libya
  •  Liechtenstein
  •  Lithuania
  •  Luxembourg
  •  Macedonia
  •  Malaysia
  •  Malta
  •  Martinique
  •  Mayotte
  •  Mexico
  • black Mountain
  •  Morocco
  •  Nepal
  • Zimbabwe

 3- You must have achieved 4000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months on your channel.

Here, you should focus 4000 hours and not 4000 views, meaning that you need to get 240 thousand minutes of views on your videos for the last 12 months, meaning that, for example, you made the first video on your channel in the month of 5 in 2021, this means that in the month of 5 in 2022 you will have completed  12 months, but what happens if you do not complete the 4000 hours in this period, do not worry, you always have a chance.  The hours start from the month of 6 in 2021 to the month of 6 in 2022, and if they reach the month of 7 in 2022 and do not complete the conditions, the hours of the month of 6 in 2021 will be excluded and the calculation will be starting from the month of 7 in 2021 and so on, meaning that the hours are calculated for the last 12 months.

There is another note that you should know that if you change the display level of videos for private or unlisted videos, or delete the video automatically, the hours of these videos will be deleted, so make sure that the videos are public and not private or unlisted, and the hours of funded advertising are not counted among  The 4000 hours.

 4- The number of subscribers to your channel should be more than 1000 subscribers, and this condition is not linked to a specific time period, unlike the hours condition

 5 - Not to get any active warning for violating the forum’s guidelines in your channel (new condition)

 As we explained in the first condition, it is necessary to adhere to all policies for making profit from YouTube, and among these policies is to follow the instructions of the YouTube forum, and if you do not follow in your channel the instructions of the forum for the first time, you will get a warning from the instructions of the forum and it does not have an impact on the profit.  If you make another violation, you will get an active warning for 90 days, and you will not be able to make a profit until after the expiry of this warning period. And for the record, if your channel gets 3 active warnings, the channel will be closed permanently.

 6 - Activate the two-step verification feature on your Google account (new update)
This is an additional security step and for the benefit of your channel so that it is more secure, and the two-step verification feature is activated from the security in your Google account, in short, you activate this feature by entering your Google account management and then entering the security and then activating the two-step verification feature, and you add a number  Your phone, when you then log in to the account, a 6-digit number will be sent to your phone. It must be written in your account in order to be logged in to it, and this means that if someone gets your email and password, he will not be able to enter the channel until after entering the number  Which will be sent to your phone during login.

7.Create a Google Adsense account.

After fulfilling the aforementioned conditions, you must create an account on Google Adsense and then link the channel to this account, in order to allow you to submit the channel for review. Without having an Adsense account, you cannot profit from YouTube, and you must be over 18 years old to open the account  And if you are less than that, open the account with the data of one of your relatives, but the data must be correct because Google verifies the data after that, and never think about creating the account until after fulfilling the conditions, and the following video will help you create an Adsense account.

How is the channel reviewed after fulfilling the conditions

How is the channel reviewed after fulfilling the conditions

 How to submit the channel for review to activate the profit on the YouTube channel.

After fulfilling the conditions in full as shown in the image, you will submit the channel for review, but you must first create a Google Adsense account as we mentioned in step No. 7, and then submit the channel for review, which is in 3 steps.

Step One: Agree to the terms of the YouTube Partner Program

Step Two: Connect the channel to your Google Adsense account

The third step: the channel is under review, as the channel is reviewed by specialists from the YouTube platform, and the approval of the channel may take from 48 hours to a month. In this video, there is a method for submitting the channel for review.


 How are YouTube channels reviewed?

While reviewing your application to join the YouTube Partner Program, one of the reviewers enters your channel to verify the content you provide on your channel and whether this content actually complies with the monetization policies or is it violating content.

Reviewers focus on some aspects of your channel that you need to know about in order to be interested in them.

1- The main topic of your channel (Is the content in general suitable for making a profit on it or is it content that violates the forum guidelines)

Content that violates forum guidelines

2- Most viewed videos (reviewers focus on the most viewed videos on your channel. If these videos are exclusive and yours, the channel will be accepted. If the most viewed video is reused, the channel will be rejected unfortunately)

3- The most recent videos (reviewers also focus on the latest videos published on your channel, and you must be active on the channel and pay more attention to your recent videos and that these videos are exclusive to your photography)

4- The largest percentage of watch time (videos that achieve more viewership are focused on in the review, meaning if the video is 10 minutes and the viewership rate for this video is 60%, meaning that the average viewership is 6 minutes, compared to other videos, the watch time is 30%,  Reviewers focus on the video that achieved the 60% mark.

5- Video metadata (metadata such as title, description, thumbnail and keywords if it is misleading, the channel is often rejected, so that metadata should be appropriate for the video content and not misleading.


 Why is the YouTube channel rejected?

There are many reasons that lead to the rejection of the channel at the time of review and perhaps permanently deleting the channel, and one of the most famous reasons is to publish re-used content on your channel or duplicate content. You do not have the right to take videos from social networking sites and publish them on your channel, even if these videos  It is not available on YouTube, and there are many examples of reasons for rejecting channels on YouTube, which are explained in this video with examples and evidence.

 Important tips for success on YouTube

 1- Make your video titles attractive and compelling

 2- Create an attractive thumbnail

 3- Pay attention to the content of the video and make the video not boring

 4- Post your videos on social media to get more viewers

 5- Collaborate with owners of channels that are interested in your field

 6 - Regularity and continuity are the secret of the success of large channels


 If you want to succeed and profit from YouTube, treat YouTube as a business, it requires extraordinary effort in the beginning, so that the fruits of your effort are reaped after that.  A specific field and attention to the experience of the viewer and to respect his mentality and not to deceive, lie and mislead and to be honest in your content, if you follow these meanings in your channel make sure that you will inevitably succeed, but success requires effort and time and here is this video, it is the secret of real success on YouTube.

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