All you need to know about Google Adsense earnings

All you need to know about Google Adsense earnings

All you need to know about Google AdSense

Google AdSense is an advertising program affiliated with the famous Google company, which enables its users to profit online, by linking it to blogs, websites, Android applications, even various YouTube channels.

Google AdSense is one of the most prominent and famous advertising services ever that has been able to earn from the Internet, as in the recent period many young people have gone to search for how to work and profit online through the multiple existing methods, and Google Adsense was one of the most powerful methods that they find.

 In this article, we will learn in detail about everything related to Google Adsense, how it works and creating an account on it, and the advantages of the Google AdSense service, in addition to what everyone cares about, which is how to profit from Google Adsense, and other details.

 What is Google Adsense Google AdSense?

Google Adsense, as we mentioned before, is one of the advertising services provided by Google, and it is one of the completely free ways that owners of various websites use to obtain many profits.

Many people can use the Google AdSense service, they are website owners, YouTubers who own a YouTube channel, who own online stores, owners of bloggers, and those who have applications on smartphones, by linking their services to an account on Google Adsense and making a profit from it.

You can earn through Google Adsense by displaying ads on any of the previous sites or platforms, and the more visits you get, the higher the profits.  Bloggers who seek to profit by posting these ads on their platforms.

Google Adsense has a smart and powerful targeting system, as the ads that appear on the site are commensurate with the content it offers, and it is also interested in displaying ads that are relevant to the audience visiting the platform on which it is offered.

 In order to start working on Google Adsense and link it to your platform, whatever to profit from, you must learn in more detail about the mechanism by which Google Adsense itself works, and how to create an account on it.

 How Google AdSense works:

The mechanism of work on the Google Adsense program is easy, and not complicated to a large extent, as it depends on two parties, and Google Adsense is an intermediary between them.

The first party is the advertising owner who registers in the Google AdSense program to display his ads. Two options appear in front of him, either to display sponsored links on the Google results page, or to display ads on sites, blogs and other platforms.

The second party is the owners of multiple platforms and sites who have linked them to their Google AdSense account to display advertising services for profit. Here, Google evaluates those sites and platforms on which it will display ads and then distributes the ads on them.

Google Adsense filters and reviews ads to verify that they are appropriate and does not display inappropriate content or text to users, and to ensure that they meet the ethical and editorial standards set by Google.

As we mentioned at the beginning, the Google AdSense tool works to distribute it appropriately on pages that contain appropriate content for each advertisement, which ensures higher conversion rates for the advertisement assuming that the audience who enters the site or platform is interested in what the advertisement offers as it is compatible with what is provided on the site.

 Create a Google AdSense account: 

After you know information about Google Adsense that enables you to understand the mechanism of dealing with it, now is the time to create an account on Google Adsense to start the first steps of making profits through it.

Creating an account on Google Adsense requires several conditions that must be met first, and these conditions are:

  1. Have a Google account.
  2. The presence of a platform or a website that belongs to the user of the service to publish advertisements on it.
  3. The content published on this platform is original, meaning that it does not hold the copyright of others, and the user is the original owner of the content provided.
  4. Read the Google Adsense policies and conditions well and abide by them, so that the account will not be closed or deleted from the Google Adsense program if you violate these policies.

By implementing and agreeing to the Google Adsense policies and terms, the time has come to create an account on Google Adsense, and then link it to your site, and start making profits from Google AdSense.

 Here are the general steps for creating a Google AdSense account in detail:
  1.  Go to the official website through which you can create an account on Google Adsense.
  2.  Click on the Sign Up Now or Sign Up Now button.
  3.  Enter the URL of your site that you want to associate with the account to display and add ads on it.
  4.  Enter your email address.
  5.  Determine if you need some help from Google AdSense with ads or not.
  6.  Save what you chose and continue with the registration through the Save and continue button.
  7.  Register for your Google account.
  8.  Choose the country and province in which you reside.
  9.  Agree to the terms and policies of Google Adsense use.
  10.  Finally, click on Create an account.
  11.  Before you officially accept Google AdSense, Google reviews the data you entered, and the address of your site that you reviewed to ensure that it conforms to the terms and policies of Google.
  12.  Add a bank account number for Google AdSense to deposit your earnings in.
  13.  After the registration process is completed, you will find that Google sends an envelope to your mailing address, containing a subscription confirmation code, and this takes approximately two weeks maximum.

After you have completed the previous steps, you will already have a new Google AdSense account that you can start using and you will find that ads will appear on it from the moment you are accepted by Google, and you can place them on any of the pages of the site.


Types of ads on Google AdSense Google AdSense:

There are many types of ads that Google Adsense allows to display on the websites of service users, and it also allows publishers to choose the ad format they want to display on their site, as well as its location.

 1- Text Ads:

One of the simplest types of ads that can be displayed through Google AdSense, also known as sponsored links, which are an advertisement URL that can be clicked to go to the page related to the advertisement.

Text ads often consist of only one or two lines that express the advertising content of the product or service being advertised, and the URL is often green.

It is possible to customize the color and size of the text in the advertisement, as well as the way it is displayed through the website.

 2- Display ads:

They are the banners and images that are clear when entering websites, and there are many places you can be on the page, where you can find them at the top of the page, on the sides, or in the footer of the page.

Google Adsense provides 15 formats and options for image ads, which may be horizontal, vertical, square, landscape and other options, in order to allow the user to display them on his site in the way he sees fit so as not to harm the content that is presented on your site, and give a negative impression to the user.

 It can also display advertisements that include both text and images.

 3- Multimedia ads:

They are often interactive ads that contain HTML, GIFs, and videos, and they are rich ads to draw the attention of visitors, and ask them for a specific action or action in most cases.

Some consider this multimedia advertising a two-sided coin, as although it is one of the strongest types of ads that attract the attention of visitors, the excessive use of it may give a bad impression to the user or visitor, and make him bored.


 4- Links Unit Ads:

There is a so-called link unit in which it displays a list of important topics, related to the content displayed on websites, and when the user chooses a topic or item from the list, he goes directly to the Google ads page that talks about the topic he chose.

Paying in these ads every time a visitor or user of different websites clicks on one of the ads that appear in front of him on the page.

 5- Google AdSense search:

This formula is a little different, as it is possible to include a Google search box within your website, and when the user searches through that search box, he finds in front of him the page related to search results through Google AdSense so that ads appear to him that fit the content published on the site as well

Places to place advertisements on the website:

At the outset, we must refer to how the ads are placed on the website. After choosing the ad format, dimensions, dimensions, and all the details about it, a JavaScript code or code is generated, placing it in the place where he wants to display the ad on the site, and offers you the possibility to  You place ads that only fit the content and visitors of your site.

The publisher can choose the appropriate place in which to display the advertisement. The advertisement must be placed in a place that is easy for visitors to see, and you can reach the right place through the experience.

The place of the advertisement must also be chosen so that it does not negatively affect the content provided on the site, and what is suitable for the audience following it, and now we will clarify the famous places in which ads can be displayed on websites.

 1- Under the head:

One of the strategic and important areas in which you can place Adsense ads is Google AdSense, and most of the time, the sites are 90*720 in size.

 2- Top of the bill:

 It is very similar in its characteristics to the ads that are located under the header, but its importance is less important than those ads.

 3- Sidebar:

It is a place where many ads can be placed on many pages, based on the design of the WordPress template, and it can be on the article page, section pages, or even main pages, and it is often 250 * 300 in size.

 4- In the middle of the articles:

This place belongs to a somewhat new type called native ads, and when you place the ad in this way, it appears in a way that matches the display of the article list, and also gives the possibility to control the colors and dimensions.

 5- Inside the content of the articles:

It also belongs to the native ads, and is also compatible with the content of the article, and it is possible to control the format in it.

Now that we know the places where we can display ads, there is a question on the minds of many, which is how many ads are available on one page?  It is worth noting here that Google allows you to only three ads per page.

 Profit from Google AdSense:

 At this point, we will present a full explanation of everything related to making money from Google Adsense, starting with the rate of profit, and how it can be achieved, as well as ways to increase and withdraw your profits.

 How to make money from Google Adsense:

The point that the majority is heading to directly, how can you earn money through Google AdSense?, It is necessary to know that there are two ways to earn money from Google Adsense These two methods can be summarized in the two old points:

  •  CPR: In this Cost Per Click method, money is earned each time a user or visitor clicks on an advertisement on the publisher's website.
  •  Cost Per Mille CPM: This method is also known as Cost Per Mille, and the money in this method is obtained according to the number of visits that the platform where the advertisement is located on.

 Earning money from Google Adsense:

This point cannot be given the information directly, as there are many factors on which the earning from Google Adsense depends, and in the following we will explain these factors to deduce the profit rate from Google AdSense.

1- Number of visitors:
Certainly, the number of visitors to the site has an impact on the rate of profit, the more visitors there are, the more ads are viewed and reactions to them increase, and thus the rates increase to achieve high profit rates.

 2- Nature of visitors:
The difference in visitors to your site affects the rate of profit, are most of the visitors male or female, their age, education, interests, problems, and all this relates to the content you publish.

 3- Geographical distribution of visitors:
It is one of the very influencing factors, as the price of a visitor’s click varies from country to country on the same ad, so you will not find the price of a Kuwaiti or Emirati visitor’s click equal to the price of an Egyptian visitor’s click.

 4- Places of advertisements:
Places of advertisements are among the factors that affect the rate of viewing the advertisement and thus the rate of profit, and the places and organization of advertisements depend on the nature of the site and its visitors, and the content in it as we mentioned before.

 5- The domain of the site:
The price of an ad click varies from one to another depending on the ad domain, and the location, as the distribution of ads follows a targeted system in which the ads are consistent with the nature of the website's content.

 6- The quality of the content presented:
It is logical that the higher the quality of what a website or other content provides, the more a visitor will be on the website for a longer period of time, which increases the chances of an advertisement being shown to them, and thus more profits.

 7- The number of advertisements on the pages of the site:
There are some specialists who say that the effectiveness of 3 ad units per page is better, for example, it is better than the effectiveness of 5 units.

 8- Using the Block and Allow Ads feature:
One of the properties that Google AdSense provides to site owners and publishers, which affects the rate of profit, as through this feature you can block some of the ads that appear on your site, and if you can use the feature professionally so that you block the appearance of advertising content that is inappropriate to visitors or that pays less  And the appearance of appropriate ads that pay larger amounts as an alternative that can increase your profit rate.

 9- Percentage of clicks out of total pageviews that contain a CTR ad:
This percentage of clicks is not a fixed percentage, but rather it varies based on many factors such as how long visitors stay on the page, or the relevance of the advertising contents to the content of the page, and this percentage ranges between 1% to 3%, where you may find that the price of a click in Arabic content is between  2 cents and 6 cents

All of these were, in short, the factors on which the rate of earning from Google Adsense depends.

 Get profit from Google Adsense account:

The last point in explaining the profit from Google Adsense, as after you get profits as a result of posting ads on your site, you must withdraw them.

You find that in the process of logging in, Google AdSense has asked you for your bank account number, where you can get your profits through this bank account.

Profits can be collected from Google AdSense Google Adsense once a month, through bank transactions, or remittances for those whose balance reached $ 100 or more until the 21st of the month, and the payment is in dollars.

Currency can be converted from dollars to the local currency that you deal in in your country, but keep in mind that the commission that is taken when converting is not too large.

By the end of this point, we have talked about most of what is related to making money through Google Adsense, and profiting through it.

Talking about Google AdSense Google Adsense, and profit from it may extend to several articles and we will not finish, and for this we will now be satisfied with what we mentioned in this article, and if you reach the end here, you will find that you have learned about Google Adsense and the definition of the program and what is related to it, the advertising system affiliated with Google Adsense, and how to deal with sites  The web with it, and finally how to make money from Google Adsense.

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