Create an ads.txt file and solve the problem of earnings at risk in Google AdSense

 Create an ads.txt file and solve the problem of earnings at risk in Google AdSense

The biggest goal behind creating a Blogger blog is to profit from Google Adsense, so it is necessary to talk about adding an ads.txt file and also solving the problem of ads may stop and profits are at risk on Google AdSense, but we must know what the ads file contains. txt contains code like this (, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0) .

When this code is not available on your site, the problem of ads in damage or Adsense profits may be damaged due to a problem in the ads.txt file, which is the basis for displaying AdSense ads on your blog, so we must strive to fix these errors.

The problem of ads.txt file is one of the things that must be fixed and this is so that your ads are not subject to stopping greatly, so follow this article with me to learn how to fix this problem on your own site and how to create an ads.txt file correctly in Site.

Create an ads.txt file and solve the problem of earnings at risk in Google AdSense

What is ads.txt file and what is the error message

ads.txt This file is a crawler dedicated to ads, meaning that it is primarily responsible for showing the ads of any blog or website online, and without ads.txt there will be no ads on your blog.

And the error message that occurs due to ads.txt contains the following: “Profits are exposed to damage. You need to fix some problems in the ads.txt file to avoid a big loss in your profits.

And you may wonder how this will affect your profits and the answer will be that ads.txt is the first responsible for displaying ads across sites and blogs. If there is a problem with it, no ads will appear and therefore there will be no profits, so the problem of ads.txt file must be fixed to avoid loss.

How to add ads.txt file to blogger

In order to be able to add the ads.txt file again and fix the problems related to it, it is necessary to follow the following two steps, so follow the following lines with me.

  • Once you log into the account that faces this problem and you find the warning message for the ads.txt file, you will find that at the end of this message is the word “Repair Now”.
  • Once you click on this word, you will find that in front of you is another page and it is written that you have to add the publisher ID to the ads.txt file.
  • Below it you will find the ads.txt file that you will copy in order to paste it in its correct place.
  • Now from the main page of the blog from the bar or the side menu, click on the settings.
  • And then go to the bottom and click on activate the content of the ads.txt file.
  • Click on custom ads.txt and then paste what you copied and then press save.
  • With this, we have finished the first method to solve the ads.txt problem, and all you have to do now is wait for a day or two until the error message in the ads.txt file disappears completely, and here is the second method.

This method is used to solve the problems of some blogs that did not disappear from the error message.

The solution here is to fix the robot.txt file, which you can download from here.

All you have to do is open the file, and then next to the sitemap box you will find the domain name and after it / sitemap.xml. All you have to do is add Allow:/ads.txt directly above it.

And then from the settings box in the Blogger blog, click on Crawlers and Indexing Programs.

Click on robot.txt file and add this robot file to be able to fix all errors.

This was the way to fix the ads.txt problem on blogger blogs.

How to add ads.txt file in WordPress

To solve the problem of ads not appearing on the WordPress site, you must follow the following steps to add the ads.txt file and restart the ads again and solve the problem of earnings at risk that appear in AdSense.

You must install the Ads.txt Manager add-on inside the site from here and then activate the add-on.

After activation, click on the settings in the side menu of the site and choose Ads.txt.

A large rectangle will appear in which you add the code, and within a few hours, the message will disappear from Adsense and the ads will work normally.

In the event that you are creating an application for your WordPress site, you will also need to add the code for Admob. This same add-on will provide you with App-ads.txt for applications, you can put the code inside

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