What are the conditions for accepting the blog in Google Adsense 2022

What are the conditions for accepting the blog in Google Adsense 2022? And how to ensure that the blog is accepted in Google Adsense

Conditions for accepting the blog in Google Adsense 2022 that are followed by those wishing to join the Google Adsense service, which is the best in terms of profitability and strictness in managing copyright transactions.

In addition to managing violations appropriately to ensure quality and profit, all this by starting to deal with Google adsense.

What are the conditions for accepting the blog in Google Adsense 2022? And how to ensure that the blog is accepted in Google Adsense

Terms of accepting the blog in Google Adsense 2022

Despite the profits that can be obtained through that site, it does not accept sites until after the conditions for accepting the blog in Google Adsense are met, which we will mention in the following lines:

  • Availability of a specific domain for the blog:

One of the conditions for accepting the blog in Google Adsense for 2022 is owning the domain and it does not matter if it is free or paid, but it is preferable to own the paid type because there are many advantages that are represented in the following:

  1. The paid domain gives great speed in archiving.
  2. A friend of search engines SEO.
  3. It gives confidence to all visitors, and therefore we find that their number continues to increase.
  4. The acceptance rate of the blog owner of the paid domain is greater than the free domain by Google Adsense.

  • Choosing a fast, light and responsive template for different devices to accept in Google Adsense:

The choice of the template for the website or blog must be in a quick and light image and respond well to different devices, which are smart phones, tablets and computers, with easy navigation between its various and different sections.

With the need to stay away from templates with malicious codes or improper codes so that the site is not affected by them and resulting in non-acceptance of Google Adsense, and you can choose between paid templates or free templates while staying away from templates that reside in unreliable places.

The chosen template should also contain a "contact us" page for the possibility of communicating with visitors, and a "privacy policy" page for its great importance to work on the acceptance of the site or blog in Google Adsense.

  •  The presence of distinctive and exclusive content to ensure acceptance in Google Adsense:

One of the most important conditions for accepting the blog in Google Adsense 2022 is the availability of distinctive content on your site or blog before applying for approval, and the number of articles must reach 25 articles, with the need for the number of words per article to reach 500 words as a minimum.

Articles must be exclusively on your site without theft or copying so as not to be rejected by Google Adsense, and the images in those articles must be exclusive with a commitment to design or download them from the Internet and modify them as well.

Please choose topics that do not violate the policies of Google Adsense so that your site or blog will not be rejected, which are the topics of programs that are available in paid form, but come with an activation key or hacked, and so on.

  • Create a bar for sections within the blog to ensure that it is accepted in Google Adsense:
Before you can apply for admission to Google Adsense, specific sections must be available with a tape explaining it in order to become in a coordinated situation and divided in the required manner, and each section is concerned with the presence of articles related to the name chosen for it.

  • Ensure that your site is indexed in search engines:

This is one of the most important conditions for accepting the blog in Google Adsense 2022, where this can be done by verifying the ownership of the domain within the webmaster tools, whether it is free or paid, with the need to ensure some steps that help to archive articles that are on the blog or the platform To work on increasing the number of visitors, so as not to be rejected by Google Adsense when there are no visitors.

  • Traffic from search engines:

Among the conditions for accepting the blog in Google Adsense for 2022 comes the possession of natural visits through the Google search engine, and other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms cannot be relied upon, until your site or blog is accepted for its appearance in an appropriate position on those engines.

  • Work with all ranges and different opening methods:

The need to make sure of the ways to open your site, can it be opened using “www” or without writing them, does it work using the “https” or “http” protocol, because this is one of the conditions for accepting your blog in Google Adsense for the year 2022, where your site or blog must work with all of these Methods so you don't get rejected because your platform is unavailable or down.

  • Avoid buying visits to your website or blog:

You should not resort to sites for the exchange of visits or sites from which you can buy visits to send them to your platform or blog, because they will fall within the fake visits that Google Adsense does not accept, as it checks the sources of visits first and before accepting your blog in Google Adsense.

  • Reasons why your blog will be rejected in Google Adsense 2022

After we learned about the conditions for accepting the platform in Google Adsense 2022, we must mention the most important reasons that lead to the non-acceptance of your platform or blog to enter Google Adsense, which are as follows:

  •  Copied content:

The Google Adsense administration does not accept any website or blog that contains copied and non-exclusive content. Google Adsense reviews the content first. In the event of theft or copying, it will not accept you and will not benefit in archiving or profit. The exclusive content requirement comes within the terms of acceptance of the platform in Google Adsense 2022 and therefore It must be taken care of.

  • Bad blog design:

The bad design of your blog or site will bring a complete expulsion from Google Adsense, as it annoys visitors and exits quickly, which harms the reputation of the search engine, and therefore hates it and seeks to include blogs or sites that have a simple and easy design.

  • Slow on the platform or your blog:

In the case of a slow blog or a slow site, visitors will go quickly before their needs for the content in which it is located, and therefore the matter will not be accepted in Google Adsense.

Advantages of linking the platform to the Google Adsense 2022 account

Through our topic on the conditions for accepting the platform in Google Adsense 2022, we will explain the advantages that the acceptance of the platform or blog brings to this important tool, which will be as follows:

  1. It has a smart way to display ads.
  2. There is a variety of advertising formats.
  3. Allows full control over the selection of advertisements to be displayed.
  4. It makes a lot of profits on an ongoing basis as long as there is a large traffic of visitors.

Disadvantages of owning a blog on Google Adsense 2022

Some defects have appeared for Google Adsense users, we will learn about them through the following lines:

  1. It needs high visitor traffic so that the appropriate profit can be achieved.
  2. Negatively affects the user experience.
  3. It is obligated to provide a minimum profit.

How to subscribe and link the platform to the Google Adsense 2022 account

When making sure that the platform acceptance conditions are met in Google Adsense 2022, we can participate in that tool by following the following steps:

  1. You must start by logging in to the platform.
  2. We click on a blog, which is located at the top of the page on the right.
  3. Through the menu, we click on Earnings and then click on Create a Google Adsense account.
  4. The blog must be fully eligible to be accepted on Google Adsense.
  5. We choose the email address related to Google that gets linked to the platform.
  6. It is necessary to fill out the form related to Adsense and click on create an account.
  7. You must start by entering the payment details and verifying the account ownership through the phone number.
  8. Finally, press send.
  9.  In the event that you do not go to the platform to finish the order, you must click on Redirect.
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