How to quickly archive your site and articles in Google

Solve the problem of archiving articles on your site | How to quickly archive your site and articles in Google

Archiving on your site is the main factor in increasing profit from the Internet, as well as the issuance of search engines, so it is necessary to understand how to solve the problem of archiving articles in order to be able to lead the search results in Google and thus double your profits from AdSense.

Some users face some problems in archiving their articles, so it is necessary to shed light on this problem and learn how to solve the problem of archiving articles.

In this article, we will start by identifying the most prominent methods that help in the process of archiving articles, which will enable you to avoid any problems that may appear in your blog on Blogger or WordPress.

Solve the problem of archiving articles on your site | How to quickly archive your site and articles in Google

Steps to solve the problem of not archiving articles

There are some steps that are necessary to be able to climb any blog to the top and be able to archive many articles without any problem, as well as the appearance of the site or blog in the first search results.

First the quality of the article

Content is the king, so it must be taken care of very much in order to be able to beat other sites. The better the quality of the content, the faster and better it is archived. You will notice the difference and you can use some tools that help you to write to be able to get professional articles.

This step will benefit you in the Google search engine, because this is a step often taken by webmasters and online platforms, and this is because it is of very great importance and helps you solve the problems of delayed archiving of articles.

Second, create accounts on various social media platforms

There are a number of factors that affect archiving, including the creation of accounts in order to be able to obtain a large fan base for your site, so it is necessary to obtain a set of accounts on various platforms, which we mention in the following.

  • Facebook: It is one of the most popular communication platforms in the world and contributes to gaining millions of likes and interactions and many followers and helped achieve great fame and thus help you publish blog topics more and widely, and then you will be able to solve the problem of slow archiving of articles .
  • Linked in: This platform is used by many owners of websites and blogs, and they are linked to each other so that the owner of any blog can publish his articles on it directly, and the topics are taken from the blog automatically once the article is written and published, and then contribute to raising Article archiving speed.
  • Pinterest: One of the most popular platforms that helps form a fan base by creating bulk publications, and any site, by relying on the publication file of Ben Trieste, can easily publish and archive all of its articles.
  • Twitter: Twitter is the alternative platform for Facebook, and users can gain fame on it by exploiting hashtags and posting many tweets. It also helps through these tweets and the hashtag tools to quickly archive any article, whether on blogger or WordPress.
  • Reddit: Another platform that can act as a news feed for your blog and website and publish many of your articles on it to be able to attract the attention of many searchers on the Internet.
  • Netlog: helps you archive your articles quickly and for free, and all this by building a large fan base that enables you to become the owner of a powerful platform and thus make you a friend of search engines and then solve the problem of archiving your site’s articles.
  • Rediff: This platform can be used to solve the problem of archiving your site’s articles, because it is one of the most popular platforms that contribute to broadcasting new news, as well as can be used for shopping and many other things.
  • Myspace: which is the foothold of many, as it includes a large number of photographers, graphic designers and many other disciplines, and this of course will enable you to gain fame on a large scale, and therefore you will be able to solve the problem of not appearing and archiving topics on your site and leading the search in Google.
  • Diigo: One of the powerful and distinctive search tools, and therefore you must join it to be able to solve the problem of archiving the article on your site, and archiving is done through this tool very quickly, and therefore you will be able to profit through Google Adsense easily.
  • Plurk: An easy-to-register social networking platform through which you will be able to solve all archiving problems and you will be able to top search engines with ease.
  • Medium: A unique and impressive communication site that enables you to get to know many
  • Instapaper: Adding your site will enable you to sync all your articles on your site to be published on your account on this platform, thus eliminating and solving the problem of archiving your articles completely, not only your articles, but pages can also be synchronized.
  • Mix: A platform that helps content creators in many different ways and tools, which enables them to come up with distinctive articles, as well as solve the problem of archiving articles in a complete way.
  • Folkd: Having an account on this platform will enable you to solve the problem of archiving your articles as well as the problem of appearance, and this is through the mass base that will always be waiting for you to publish, and this is of course after linking it to your blog on Blogger or your site on WordPress.
  • With this, we have finished talking about the best ways that enable you to solve the archiving problem and bypass all the problems that you may encounter, and thus you will be able to publish Google engines.

How to link between these platforms and your site

At this stage, you can use some sites that will enable you to link easily between your platform and other platforms, so follow along with me.

  • Ifttt: It is used to link between many different sites and will enable you to link with ease and will enable you to save your time and through it you will be able to publish on all platforms at the same time and thus solve the problem of archiving articles permanently.
  • OnlyWire: All you will do is log in to this platform and you will be able to link your blog to other social networking sites, as all you will do is write the article and the site will do the rest and you will be able to solve the problem of archiving articles permanently.
  • dlvrit: You will be able to link the blog with various platforms and solve the archiving problem once and for all by placing the link on your platform and then placing the RSS, and thus you will be able to activate the automatic publishing.
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