Profit from rewriting articles from a writer website 1000 dollars per month

Profit from rewriting articles from a writers website 1000 dollars per month

Profit from rewriting articles from a writer website 1000 dollars per month

Profit from paraphrasing articles, there are many beginners in the field of blogs and websites and they do not know how to write an article from the beginning, but it became easy as it became possible to profit from paraphrasing articles.

It is possible to profit from reformulating articles and even accepting this reformulated articles in AdSense and archived by Google, but it is also possible to top the first results of the search, from the idea of ​​reformulating articles, you can write more than 10 articles per day.

On this topic today, we will provide a full explanation of how to profit from rewriting articles in dollars, and how to rewrite and rewrite the articles themselves in detail.

How to reformulate articles for profit

Through the method that we will present below, you can learn to write the exclusive article and reformulate any article, whether it is old or any existing article, and we will now show in detail how to reformulate articles.

1- Google search engine

  • Go to the Google search engine and search for the field you want to write in.
  • Copy the article that you find appropriate for the topic you want to talk about.
  • Then add it on your blog so you can remove the layout, links or images in it but definitely not post it.
  • Rewrite and wording the title so that it is exclusive and attracts visitors to you.

After we finish the previous steps, we will move to the main site, which will help us to reformulate the articles again.

2- Authors website

Article rewriting site
Kateb is a very professional site that helps you write articles, whether they are completely from the beginning or even reformulate them in many different languages, and all this happens by means of the artificial intelligence on which the site is based.

You can work on the Kateb website after registering and creating an account on it, and you will find that in the beginning it gives you 2000 free words, and there are paid plans and plans, and these paid plans are not very high prices on the contrary.

There you will find a 30 thousand words package for about 5 dollars per month, there is a 100 thousand package for about 10 dollars per month, and there is an unlimited words package estimated at 20 dollars per month.

There is another package system for life, and you find that their prices are also very simple and with permanent discounts, so as you can see, the site gives you very low prices for many distinguished services.

When you enter the site, you will find many options such as headlines that help you to get main titles for your articles, or an introduction to the article, or summarizing the texts, and reformulating, article ideas from which you can get article suggestions for your site based on its specialization.

Today we will talk about two of the most important options in it related to reformulating articles, and we will see how this can be done through the following points:

  • Enter the authors website.
  • There you will find two paraphrasing options: Paraphrasing Articles, and Paraphrasing Multiple.
  • From paraphrasing articles you put the title that you wrote yourself, and then you paste the article that you removed its formatting, pictures and links from.
  • You can choose a normal formulation, or a distinctive formulation, from a normal formulation you find that it changes the meanings of some words, but in the distinctive formulation, the site rewrites it completely professionally.
  • You can choose the language you want to paraphrase in from many of the languages ​​available on the site, whether English, French, or other languages.
  • Click on paraphrase.
  • Click on reformat now.
  • Wait for the download to complete and you will find that it has been rewritten and the longer it is, the longer it takes.
  • The second option was multiple paraphrasing, in this option the maximum allowed entry is only 400 characters.
  • Add the address you typed as well.
  • You will find that in this option it gives you 1, 2, 3 suggestions.
  • It is possible from the option of multiple paraphrasing to formulate the paragraph in more than one formula and not one formula and choose the most appropriate of them.
  • You also find in multiple paraphrases that a writer can paraphrase the paragraph in more than one language, including Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, and other languages.
  • You can also choose here between normal formulation, and advanced formulation.
  • You will find that the time it takes to rewrite the paragraph is much less than the time it takes to rewrite the whole article.
  • If you choose multiple paraphrasing, you can divide the article into paragraphs of no more than 400 characters per paragraph, and then reformulate it each paragraph separately through a writer's website.
  • You will also find on Kateb’s website after the paraphrasing is done, whether in the option of paraphrasing articles or paraphrasing multiple options, such as the plagiarism checker who sees whether the speech that was made Paraphrasing this is 100% exclusive or taken from another part, and gives you the percentage of exclusivity specifically for your article, and the percentage of repetition in it.
  • There is also the option of proofreading, and it sees whether there are any linguistic errors in the reformulated speech or not.

3- Plagiarism Checker website

It is a site through which you can be sure of the exclusiveness and professionalism of articles and to make sure that there are no copies in them, and the site is completely free up to a thousand words, that is, a thousand words can be checked through it for free, and if it exceeds a thousand, it tells you that you must rise to the paid version.

Exclusivity of articles from the Plagiarism Checker can be checked through the following:

  • Add to the article that has been reformulated from the writer's site.
  • Select I'm not a robot .
  • Click on Check Plagiarism to start the check for exclusivity.
  • And then the site will start examining the article sentence by sentence and in the end will give you percentages for the exclusivity of the topic and its recurrence.
  • You will find by a large percentage that any article taken from a writer is not copied and exclusive, and this is evidence of the effectiveness of the Kateb website.
  • There is also the Plagiarism Checker site an option to check the language and grammar by clicking on the Check Grammer.

By completing all the previous steps, you will have finished rewriting the texts in a complete and very professional way.

After that, take the last copy of your article that you have reformulated the sentences in and then put it on your blog, and then comes the step of formatting it and putting titles in it, as well as placing your images, any links you may want to put.

After that, you can publish the article on your site or blog and you will find that it is compatible with Google AdSense standards, and that it will be archived, and you will get a large number of visitors and therefore profit from rewriting articles on your site or blog.

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