How to write an SEO-compatible article that can top Google search results

How to write an SEO-compatible article that can top Google search results


Writing for SEO purposes can be difficult and time consuming. However, the time has come because SEO helps us to get a better ranking in search engines, here's how to write an SEO-compatible article.

You may ask, How can I write an SEO-compatible article

 Using a step-by-step checklist for SEO, of course!

By the end of this article, you will know exactly how to write an SEO-friendly and relevant article for search engines. So, give it a good read!

Don't waste time! Below you can find the complete checklist that you should follow if you want to get SEO-friendly and compatible blog articles.


1.Configuring your site or blog

The first step in writing an SEO-compliant article is to make sure that your website is properly set for SEO. This is something you will only do once, but it depends on the platform with which you created your site.

Make sure your site is mobile-friendly

Make sure that the AK website is compatible with mobile using the Google mobile compatibility test tool. Google tends to rank sites lower if they are not optimized for mobile platforms, so be sure to fix this issue.

More than 50% of all web traffic comes from mobile devices in the last two years. This means that most of your readers will be on mobile devices as well.
Find a responsive template or use relative values instead of absolute values in your code.

Make sure the site is indexable

If Google cannot find your site and include it in the search engine results, then you are also wasting your time.

Problems that lead to bad indexing are usually associated with the noindex meta tag or the robots file.txt. Make sure that the pages you want to index are not blocked in any way. Also, be sure to block additional pages that you don't really need in the search engine.

To block a page, just edit the robots file.your txt.

In WordPress, adding yoast seo takes care of your allowance.

 Check the speed of the site

The speed at which your site loads is very important for your business. If users do not see the content quickly, they will abandon the page. There are two main factors that determine the speed: the server on which the Website is running and the content that needs to be loaded.

Use Google PageSpeed Insights to determine if there are any problems with the server and architecture of your site. Another great tool to do this is GT metric.
Try to fix these issues first. If your website loads very slowly, it won't matter how well you write. No one will be able to read it.


 Installing SEO add-ons

If you use a popular content management system such as WordPress, Joomla or Drupal, you can facilitate the optimization of your site by installing an extension. These extensions will help you optimize the basic elements of your content (title, meta description) much easier. It will also fix some common SEO issues on different platforms.
Some suggestions are: Yoast SEO and All in one SEO Pack for WordPress, Easy Frontend SEO for Joomla, and SEO tools for Drupal.

Installing social sharing extensions

Writing a good essay is nothing without an upgrade. The chances of writing something that quickly goes viral on its own are extremely slim. If you are using one of the popular content management systems listed above, you should also install a social sharing extension.


Some good examples are Fast Social Share by Joomla and WP Social Share for WordPress. There are many options available, so choose the one that suits you based on the design and user reviews.

These extensions will help readers share content and make it more popular. As you probably know, social media is one of the biggest marketing channels out there. It would be a complete waste not to take advantage of them!


Your blog articles should be easy to read. First, make sure that your text is easy to understand. Keep sentences short, try to make the width of the paragraphs shorter.

Make sure that the background color does not conflict with the Font color. Some combinations make it difficult for the user to read your posts.

 Usually the best combination for text clarity is black text on a white or light gray background. However, you can use different combinations to express different things.

We recommend that the size of the paragraphs be 11-12 pixels. Also, keep a hierarchical structure in your titles. H1 should be the largest, H2 the smallest and so on.
Last but not least, place ads intelligently, without spamming the user. Avoid random pop-ups or pop-ups that appear as soon as you get to the page.

Customizable elements and meta tags

The title of the publication and meta tags are two important elements that are displayed in Google search results.

 Make sure that you can easily edit these items. The blog page should also display an H1 tag containing the title of the article. Usually they are similar to the title tag, but this is not mandatory.

Just like the title of the post, it must include keywords and be catchy. There should be only one h1 tag on your page. Other important definitions are rel = ”canonical” and rel = ”prev / next”.

Basic tags are used to solve duplicate content problems. If your page contains comments, for example, some platforms create separate URL addresses ending with“/?" replytocom = 123 #”. This can create a conflict between pages in SERPS.

The base tag should indicate which page you want to display in Google. If the page has a basic self-reference tag, then all the URL addresses of the comments will refer to the main page.

In the case of numbered content (on a blog page for example), you should use the previous / next meta tag. This technique can be used for directories separated into multiple pages.

2.Perform a keyword search

Doing a keyword research before writing a blog article can increase the number of visitors you will get from search engines. First of all, think about what readers might be looking for to find your content.

You can use Google Keyword Planner to get an idea of what people are looking for. Another thing you can do is start typing keywords in Google and get ideas from the suggestions displayed there.

 It will show you the search volume, keyword difficulty, and ranking of top competitors for specific keywords. The keyword suggestions there are the most relevant to your keyword from an SEO perspective.

You can combine some of them into a more complex SEO headline that targets multiple keywords at the same time. You can use other search queries that do not match the title in the content of the article.

3.Check out the competition

After choosing a few keywords, check out their top 10 results to get an idea of who you will be competing with.

You can use a tool like kwfinder to compare your site with the competition. The tool will analyze some of the most important metrics (such as domain referrals and linking texts) and will make it easier for you to determine how tough the competition is.

If you feel that the competition is too high, consider targeting other keywords.
Some of the indicators of strong SEO competition are: the keyword in the title, the age of the old domain, the performance of the domain and the page, a large number of backlinks pointing to the URL addresses of competitors.

4.Collect information for writing

To be able to compile really good content, you need to collect the appropriate resources. You will need to find at least 3 to 5 well-documented and trustworthy sources. If you are writing a personal story from your head, you can skip this step.

However, we recommend that you read through your top competitors and see if you can spot any gaps. After that, collect information about these gaps and try to cover them. You can use search operators to find really reliable sources of information that can back up statistics, such as numbers or case studies.
Examples: + keyword, + keyword

5.Outline what you will write

Defining the article outline will make it easier for you to write an SEO-compatible article. Saves you time and effort. If you have an appropriate scheme, then the structure of your essay will be easier for readers to understand. Your outline should consist of some basic points that you want to cover up.

A good trick is to turn these key points into questions, which you will answer below. Consider creating the outline as H2 and H3 markers. These tags tell Google that these phrases are a little more important.

6.Write your own content

It's finally time to start writing. There are many aspects to consider in this process. I have summarized them below .

Make sure you think of them all! OnPage SEO is what you have complete control over, so try to do your best.

1. Bullets, dark text, h2 , h3:

People like to split content because it's easier to read. Search engines love it too. Use secondary keywords in the headings, bold important words / phrases in your article.

2. Use of paragraphs:
Use paragraphs and make them shorter, not longer. The length of the paragraph should be about 5 sentences.

3. Use the keyword in the first paragraph:
Use the keyword in the first paragraph of your blog post, and try to put it at the beginning.

4. Use attention-grabbing tools:
Phrases like” here's the deal“,” that's what I did“,” listen“, ” if you want to know xyz, keep reading " help keep readers on your page. The longer they stay, the more you will benefit, and in time, your ranking will improve.

5. Use the main keyword in the body of the article:
Use your keyword throughout the article, once in the middle and once towards the end.
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